Clean Up Your End of Financial Year Frustration
Picture this, it’s the end of financial year and most of the heavy lifting in meeting your end of year reporting obligations is behind you. Yet one final figure is missing. You’ve searched the sea of emails in your inbox. You’ve scanned the unwieldy share directory. Even rustled through the pile of files on your desk and painstakingly filtered through endless compactor shelves looking for the elusive file.While the figure will eventually be found, it will bring into focus the benefits to the business of having a post financial year clean up. An office clean up makes good business sense for a number of reasons:
- Staff Productivity – Studies show staff are 50% times more productive in a clean and orderly workplace1. Ensuring there is order and that clutter is reduced both physically and digitally can reap productivity gains.
- Employee heath – Two-thirds of office-based employees are at risk of illness by not cleaning their desks properly2. Establishing a clear desk policy and making simple cleaning equipment like disinfectant spray and wet wipes available will create a culture of cleanliness.
- Security – Financial and employee data left out in the open (or on printers) during significant reporting periods is a risk. Having a safe and secure means of storing files and shredding waste paper improves privacy and reduces the risk of exposure to fraud.